Project Overview.
Following their 50th Anniversary in 2020, where the brand focus was on 50 years of innovation, SCIEX wanted to refresh their brand strategy to put their customers front and centre. Customers have always been at the heart of Sciex’s innovation, with their innate ‘feedback loop’ driving R&D year after year. Pebble were tasked with developing a customer-centric strategy that would drive all of SCIEX’s marketing activity for 2022 and beyond.
The Pursuit campaign required a coming-together of multiple skillsets at Pebble, from strategy & creative to film production, experiential design and custom web app development. Working together with SCIEX’s in-house marketing team, we designed and produced all of the tier one content & experiences, while supporting our clients in delivering a social-media and live campaign.
Concept Development.
With our brand strategy & customer insights, and a key tool at our disposal (SCIEX’s new customer-focused content hub: SCIEX Stories) we developed an overarching strategy called ‘The Pursuit’.
Every scientist has their own inspirations behind the choices they make. These inspirations are what separates a journey from a pursuit. A pursuit speaks to direction and ambition. To purpose. It’s intrepid, rugged and robust. From scientist to scientist, ‘The Pursuit’ is personal – specific directions for specific reasons, with many individual milestones along the way. Collectively, SCIEX and their customers are all in ‘The Pursuit of Progress’. SCIEX’s innovative technologies can enable scientific pursuits, but we know from customer insights that what drives scientists goes far deeper than scientific discovery and career achievements.
With ‘The Pursuit’, and the SCIEX Stories platform, we tap into the human side of the industry, enabling ongoing conversation and connections to be made through our customers memories, stories and anecdotes.
Customer-centricity means nothing without participation, so Pebble devised a campaign plan which would first introduce our audience to the idea of celebrating pursuits, and invite participation and sharing.

Launch Film.
We used interactive storytelling to immerse the scientific community in Grace’s journey, capturing answers to a survey constructed with the help of scientists who feel under-represented in the industry.
Upon completion, the user submits a final thought/contribution to the progression of science, in the form of a voice note. This voice note is then added to a visual, interactive ‘universe’ of perspectives where users can also click on other people’s contributions, listening to the collective thoughts of their industry. As Sciex shared the continuous stream of fascinating content on socials, comment threads were flooded with stories and experiences, raising awafreness and sending more of the STEM community to Grace’s survey.

Experiential Activation.
Kickstarting the campaign was ‘The Pursuit’ launch film also acting as the call to action – a one-minute video that will work as a teaser for the campaign and reside on SCIEX Stories as a bespoke landing page.
The film has been created to visually align to the concept of The Pursuit, and with the stories website. ‘Tiles’ inspired by ‘SCIEX Stories’ essentially acted as windows into the individual pursuits of scientists. Handwritten elements inspired by Lab Books added personality and character to the campaign, acting as a continuous reminder that every pursuit is unique to different people.
Alongside this we developed a script using real comments from our early customer interviews, a meandering narrative told by multiple voices which offered a small window into individual scientists lives.

Customer Films.
Alongside the wider campaign, a series of inspiring docu-style episodes would be created to spotlight individual customers in different labs around the world.
Inspired by Netflix’s abstract series, each episode would document the unique and individual experiences and work-style of these scientists, exploring the origins of their inspiration, their approach to navigating challenges, and what new tech means to them.